Session 11: “Dictator” Self
Greetings to you all,
We are in our eleventh conversation.
We will open this in reminding that the human brain is designed to recognize faces of human figures. It also seems that the brain is tailored to represent diverse phenomena that as if they were human characters.
Clues to this can be found, for example, in representations of natural phenomena as characters in human mythology [used and written by humans]. The natural phenomena such as wind, rain, lightning, and the sea are represented by figures of gods.
We also hold that within us, in our souls, the social "self" is represented by a "jury" or "board" of internalized figures.
These internal figures, most of which are internalizations of influential figures in external reality, are shaped during life, and sometimes following a crisis or trauma or events related to that figure [or alternatively during a significant development such as creating a new meaning for life and re-evaluating positions], there may even be several versions of that figure during the life.
This is how it is possible to internalize various external figures that influence the person, but the most important internal internalization is that what we will call the “Dictator-Self”. It is all about internalizing a character that has a great influence and shapes the person for good and/or bad, that has a great influence on the board of internal characters that build the social "self". We assume this “internal dictator” to have a decisive role and a profound influence on the internalization of external figures (or in professional language – external objects]. Its attitudes play a major role in taking decision whether internalization is to be rejected or, if accepted, in what form is it going to prevail.
In other words, in a certain sense, we assume that this influential figure is also a kind of internal censor. It should be emphasized that we are not talking or conjecturing concretely about the presence of figures in the inner world as a sort of “little people ” in our brain but about their representations whose nature and manner of representation in the brain still requires research. We will also note that although we call this figure a "dictator", except for a certain type, it’s characteristics are not the same as that of a dictatorial ruler over a certain country, but rather that this figure is dominant and influential within the inner "directorate".
We assume the figure of the dictator-self to possess several characteristics:
Classification of Dictator Selves
How can Dictator Self be recognized?
– rigid personality features (not particularly adaptive)
– restricted arsenal of mimics and gestures
– often especially dominant or submissive behavior
– habitual extreme expressions of negative affect: anger, hate, guilt, sadness, etc.
– selective communication (very uneven communication to different persons, very uneven responses to the same persons, a lot of "tabu" topics)
– selective attention (to specific kind of information) and ignoring other kinds of information
– high predictability of behavior in certain situations (or predictive "unpredictability"- actually impulsivity)
– dressing: either not paying attention to it or tendency to keep just one dressing style
– habitual experience of negative affect, especially gult, anger, hate
– often accompanying feeling that your point of view or behavior is the only possible or the most right one
– often feeling of "playing somebody else", of being unnatural, especially in social situations
– most of the time feeling tensed, uneasy
– feeling of dissonance between reality and his set goals
Main Beliefs (of defensive character at various life stages): intellectual superiority, moral immacularity, etc.
The dictators shown below are examples of cases that can be met in everyday life and do not reach the level of personality disorders (see the summary at the end). Finally, there are probably other types that meet the criteria described above.
Below we present 12 types of dictatorial figures. With regard to each one, we will indicate how she perceives the characters in the world, what is the range of assumed emotions of (here we may add that there may be different emotions than those specified), what are his/her attitudes, what are the patterns of exemplary behavior, what are the strategies he/she uses to influence the other, and what are the pathological situations that can be associated with his/her presence in the person’s inner world.
Classification of Dictator Selves
Dictator of the 1st type
“State Dictator”
Based on conception of ongoing emergency (threat). Dictator Self initiates the state of emergency (virtual or real) which can be associated with either external threat (enemy) or internal threat (internal chaos and anxiety).
Filters out the content that fits the attitudes: human objects are perceived as either threatening or weak.
Seeks human objects that are either threatening or weak. If there are none – then tries to distort the objects in the manner that they are perceived as threatening or weak.
Internal world is perceived as very clear defined and strong. Any objections to that are perceived as coming from outside and due to evil intentions of the external bad objects.
Still, in case that internal world is perceived as ambivalent or weak – self-destructive impulses are on order.
Black/White thinking.
Always beware of an enemy: who is not an ally, is a foe!
Environment is dangerous!
Nobody can be trusted!
Weak always perish and are dispensable, strong always win.
Ambiguity equals chaos and is dangerous!
If you are weak, you are not worth to live!
Attempts to split objects into allies and foes. Tension. Suspiciousness. Protectiveness. Seeking for weak allies that comply with him completely. Avoids strong “foes” and attacks vigorously the weak ones. If a strong “foe” cannot be avoided – then either an attempt to produce a coalition against him, or to comply with him: “if you cannot fight them – join them”.
Ways of influence:
Emphasizing danger to survival
Emphasizing the need for inner clarity and consolidation
Dictator of the 2nd type
“Attachment Dictator”
Based on conception of exploitation of status and attachment channels. Extensive use of guilt feelings, criticizing, social comparison.
Objects are perceived as humiliating or ignoring per default, this can be ameliorated only by intensive attachment that is actually never enough – the idea is of unconscious attempt of improving status through enhancement of attachment.
I am an ultimate victim
The world is full of injustice towards me
I live through my children
Tendency of emotional correction of the others
Tendency of status gaining through the others
Way of influence:
Extensive use of inducing guilt feelings in the others
Extensive unproductive criticizing
Social comparison, mostly to emphasize the disadvantage of the others
Dictator of the 3rd type
“Rational Dictator (Positivistic Scientist)”
Based on conception of monopolistic superiority of the acquired positivistic knowledge and experience. Devaluation of the emotional, intuition based approach. Is about status and attachment channel where both channels are deprived.
Objects are perceived as being always in some logical relationship with each other, every change is caused by something that can be, at least theoretically, traced and is potentially explainable by logical cause. Self-perception as being a kind of analytical instrument. Misjudgment of the limitations of logical thinking.
“Cogito ergo sum”
Logically elaborated knowledge and empirically collected experience are crucial
Devaluation of emotional experience as an inferior way of seeing things
Novelty seeking principle – dogmas have to be challenged.
Communication and reasoning is based on the rules of the formal logic
Avoidance of emotionally colored behavior – body language restricted and maximally controlled
Extensive use of rationalization in explaining all phenomena including those in emotional sphere
Way of influence:
Emphasizing reasoning based on formal logic in another person – stating formal logic as a superior norm of behavior
Devaluation of emotional approach in another person , thus degrading status and attachment channel of the person involved.
Dictator of the 4rd type
Based on the conception of unmistakability of Dictator Self. It’s all about attachment which is maximally possible. Status channel is fed by the external origin of the Dictator Self and this leads to immediate drop in self-esteem the moment the actual idol leaves the scene. Idol is a value for itself and is indispensable, irreplaceable, and indisputable.
As a part of symbiotic connection looks at the world through the eyes of the idol. Everything is perceived and conceptualized with the idol in the background.
Only Idol’s attitudes count, all the rest is meaningless. Based on unmistakability of the Idol, Idol is a conception within itself, he is indispensable, irreplaceable, and indisputable.
Tries to imitate idol’s behavior, sometimes down to the tiny details, appearance, clothes, occupation, choice of the sexual partner, etc. Status channel is fed by the Idol and this leads to steep drop in self-esteem at the moment that the actual Idol figure leaves the scene.
Way of influence:
Extensive modeling
Dictator of the 5th type
“Moral Apostel”
Based on conception of moral superiority of Dictator Self which is unquestionable. It’s all about norms.
Perceiving the world as divided into good and bad. All interactions are scrutinized on their moral legitimacy that is based on some ideals, that are personal in their essence, but perceived as universal and not person-bond. Human objects that are perceived as illegitimate in specific for a person moral sense (dictated by the subculture, for example), are rejected in their totality. Self-perception is of morally superior, immaculate self and total inner integrity.
Moral norms are of universal significance and are of highest value
Any deviation from these norms is unacceptable and has to be punished
Good must always prevail over the Evil
Typically, often involved in struggle for justice, ignores any activity that is not up to his/her moral standards, attempts to persuade others to accepts his/her in a missionary manner. Tends often to extreme positions regarding the degree of punishment for moral infidelities. Is not particularly interested in material values but praises moral and spiritual values.
Way of influence:
Profound use of inducing guilt feelings, extensive comparison with norms but not persons, use of threat of being pushed outside the group valued for its high moral norms.
High level of aggression towards others who do not obey the moral norms up to the level of homicide. Aggression against the self not fulfilling the demands can result in suicide (Mucius Scaevola burning his own hand). Depression may result as well.
Dictator of the 6th type
Based on conception of dominance of Primary Self. There is little consideration with Secondary Selves with the exception of Secondary Selves that have similar strivings and , actually, reinforce, the Primary Self. It’s a situation of “Primary Self Dictator” more than it is of “Secondary Self Dictator”.
Perceives the environment as a source for instinctual wish fulfillment. Every object is perceived as either enabling wish fulfillment, or disturbing it.
Do whatever you please to do
Norms are irrelevant and can be breached easily
Mostly motivated by immediate wishes or drives. Remorselessly aggressive behavior towards the objects that prevent him/her of immediate fulfillment of his/her wishes. Manipulating objects into fulfillment of his/her wishes. Complete lack of empathy. Fearless, takes uncalculated risks.
Way of influence:
Modeling norms-breaching behavior, lack of due negative reinforcement for anti-social behavior
Dictator of the 7th type
Based on conception of ad hoc superiority of Secondary Dictator Self over the Primary Self. Primary Self is by definition worthless, the fact that may be ameliorated only by perfect functioning.
Human objects are estimated in terms of their functioning that is perceived to be either perfect or extremely bad. Internally: overestimates own intellectual and emotional capacities and strains energy resources. Black-white thinking (all or null and void)
You should always be the first – if you are not the best, you are the last
Everything should be done 100% or it’s not done at all
Mostly tensed and unsatisfied with the results of his/her and other’s activity. Extensive criticizing, always searching for inconsistencies. Is always concerned about improving his/her functioning by further education/training. Is chronically overworking, doesn’t consider any physical or mental limitations (“workaholic”). Has a hard time in making decisions between the best and the very best.
Ways of influence:
Use of extensive devaluation of person’s functioning leading to feelings of humiliation, inadequacy, low self-esteem, feeling that person would never live up to expectations. Rare positive reinforcement – only in extreme cases.
Dictator of the 8th type
Based on conception that there is a constant oscillation between the persecutive Dictator Self and the Illusory Defensive Self.
Oscillation of identification with Dictator Self – once feeling as Dictator and once feeling as its Victim
Objects are perceived either as being evil and deserving destruction, they cannot do anything to justify their existence. On another hand they can be perceived as eternally loving and supporting. Black-White thinking.
Generally – Emotional Instability
Oscillation between:
Oscillating between:
You have no right to live, you must die!
You deserve all the love in the world!
Oscillating between:
destructive behavior towards the object
maximum attachment towards the object
Ways of influence:
Extreme negative emotions, rejection, hateful attitude, frustration of basic trust and need for love, physical and mental abuse, negation of person’s entirety – leading to extremely low self-esteem, self-hatred, and suicidality.
Illusory image of defensive character that transmits eternal love and total acceptance
Dictator of the 9th type
“Phobic Dictator”
Based on conception that primary self is very vulnerable and is prone to be hurt by almost anything. The only possible way to avoid danger is avoidance of potentially threatening objects and situations, that become with the time more and more numerous.
Nonhuman objects are easily perceived as threatening and potentially hurting, with exaggeration of actual danger.
Human objects are perceived as providing sense of security, their interrelation is in hierarchical order, according to the degree of sense of security they provide.
Life is full of danger!
Avoid threat by any means!
Never confront threat but run!
Avoidance of potentially dangerous situations and nonhuman objects, seeking for reassurance by human objects
Ways of influence:
Sensitive Aversive System
Modeling through phobic attitudes and behavioral patterns
Dictator of the 10th type
“Emotional Dictator”
Based on conception that emotional understanding is the most authentic one and that intuition cannot be wrong.
Objects are perceived as either positive, or negative, or in-between – according to their emotional valence. Their interrelation is hierarchical and measured through the degree of positivity of emotional valence.
“Emotio ergo sum”
Always trust your emotion – it never lies!
Reality equals emotion
Theatric behavior, decision-making based primarily on emotion, attachment is usually superficial, based on associated emotion and not the object itself.
Ways of influence:
Modeling, positive reinforcement of the “feminine” gender role.
Dictator of the 11th type
“Socialized Psychopath”
Based on conception that “goals justify means”. In a contrast to “Anarchist”, the social rules are formally accepted (but not internalized) and used to manipulate objects to achieve personal goals (often hurting ethical and moral norms on the way).
Objects are looked at as means for achieving personal goals. Objects are interrelated in hierarchical order according to their potential importance in a process of achieving those goals and their potential threat.
The end excuses any evil (Sophocles, Electra (c.409 BC)
Survival by all means
Opportunistic behavior towards influential persons.
Remorselessly smashing down the persons staying in Dictator’s way if it seems beneficial for achieving the goal (and, in Dictator’s estimate, will not be hazardous for himself)
Ways of influence:
Modeling, humiliation, threat to survival
Dictator of the 12th type
Objects are perceived according to their potential to deliver pleasurable feelings and are interrelated hierarchically as due to this quality. Objects associated with unpleasant feelings may be avoided. In a contrary to Anarchist, objects are perceived as constant.
A real “Pleasure Principle”:
To catch every beautiful moment
Life is “here and now” and not in the future
To seek for pleasant people and pleasant environment
Looking actively for pleasant social events
Avoids unpleasant social events such as funerals, strikes, political demonstrations
Avoids confrontations
Ways of influence:
Sensitive Reward System
Modeling, positive reinforcement of socially accepted pleasure seeking behavior
Risk for addictive behavior
Objects and their interrelations are treated differently by various Dictator-Selves. 1st type: human objects are either threatening or weak, their relationship is of controlling or submission. 2nd type: human objects are either loving or ignoring, their relationship is of either attachment or detachment. 3rd type: human or nonhuman objects are perceived as having some logical context, being in logical relationship to each other.
4th type: one particular human or superhuman object (idol) is perceived as being omnipotent, almighty and of universal goodness, rightness, and wisdom.All other human objects can be seen only in submissive relation to this idol object.
5th type: human or superhuman object is perceived as good or bad in moral sense in comparison with some “universal” ideal, objects are related in hierarchical order, depending on their moral value.
6th type: human objects are perceived only as means of personal gratification –gratifying or frustrating, relationship between them is built along the axis useful-useless. 7th type: human object’s functioning is perceived as being either perfect or extremely bad, relationship between the objects is hierarchical and based on the estimate of their functioning.
8th type: human objects are perceived as oscillating between evil and good, between deserving destruction and deserving eternal love. 9th type: nonhuman objects are easily perceived as threatening and potentially hurting, with exaggeration of actual danger.
Human objects are perceived as providing sense of security, their interrelation is in hierarchical order, according to the degree of sense of security they provide.
10th type: objects are perceived as either positive, or negative, or in-between according to their emotional valence. Their interrelation is hierarchical and measured through the degree of positivity of emotional valence. 11th type: objects are looked at as means for achieving personal goals. Objects are interrelated in hierarchical order according to their potential importance in a process of achieving those goals and their potential threat.
12th: Objects are perceived according to their potential to deliver pleasurable feelings and are interrelated hierarchically as due to this quality. Objects associated with unpleasant feelings may be avoided. In a contrary to Anarchist, objects are perceived as constant.
Finally, we’d like to note that the current psychiatric classifications (DSM-5 or ICD-10) talk about a series of personality disorders. These are defined as continuous patterns of inner experience and highly inflexible behavior that appear in many situations in human life, and usually begin already at the beginning of the matriculation period. A person can be diagnosed as having a personality disorder, provided that the behavioral pattern causes significant distress or impairs personal, social or occupational situations. It seems for us that these present distinct cases of very high-powered dictator-selves that set significant limitations to person’s degrees of freedom, both in thinking and behavior. In contrast, the conditions demonstrated above do not usually reach the level of personality disorders and can be found in people in everyday life.
So far this time,
Best regards and see you in the next conversation
Dr. Igor Salgnik and Prof. Joseph Levine.
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