


Conversation 47: Understanding the post-traumatic syndrome through the Sensitivity Channels and the internalized characters of the individual

By Prof. Levine & Dr. Salganik


Below we will detail the model we propose for "Self". First we note that in our model the self includes most of the components of the human soul. The model distinguishes between the "primary self", or the "initial self" which is in fact the basic biological core consisting of a number of innate structures and subject to further development during life, this self includes the emotional and cognitive instinctive parts of the person. A special structure whose characteristics are fed by the cognitive and emotional parts of the primary self is that of the six "channels of sensitivity" of the individual that are related to: status, norms, attachment to others, threat, routine, and energy level. The exact structure of the primary self and the relationship between its parts still requires clarification and it seems that the channels of sensitivity are structures whose instinctive emotional and cognitive characteristics and more are found in the reserves of the primary self.

Based on the structures of the primary self, using its memory stores and abilities, cognition, emotion and more, develops an epistructure of the "social self" [consisting of "secondary selves"], which is a structure that develops during the person's exposure to social influence, and consists of the internalization of characters that are significant to a person, originating from external groups or imaginary groups (related, for example, to a story, myth, movie, etc.) that greatly influenced the person. It is possible that it can also include the personification of objects and agencies that are extremely important to a person.

We will note here that parts of the self are conscious while other parts can be unconscious.

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